Showing posts with label make money online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make money online. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to make money on YouTuBe

How to make money on YouTuBe

We are going to do 5 videos per file, and put all of those onto one account. So at the end, you will have 10 accounts, 5 videos each, so 50 videos. That sounds like a lot, but just focus on 1 niche at a time. To make videos, just use Unregistered Hypercam or Camtasia Studio if you have it (you can find a torrent for it if you look).

Make the videos short and sweet, yet enticing. Put your Bitly link in the description, and shove a lot of keywords into the description as well.

Then sign up for and get your file uploaded. PureBits will pay you for your online work This is a pretty obvious step. Make sure your file is something that people want.

If you want the entire ebook download here: How to make money on YouTuBe